Gothic Lolitas and Furries Get Own Powder Rooms
Although not really gadget or tech news, except for the tenuous link to a wi-fi connection, I thought it would be nice to get a little glamour and fashion on a Monday morning.
I’m talking about all those young Japanese ladies that lead super-hero style double lives: Mild-mannered students in plain-Jane uniforms by day; French maids, Furries, and Elegant Gothic Lolitas by night.
This crowd of twin-personalitied females rush about Tokyo, carting around suitcases full of makeup and costumes.
But Superman had a phone booth — where are schoolgirls supposed to suit up? Luckily, Japanese company COS-Pa has introduced tiny dressing rooms for women in the trendy Shibuya district, where 500 to 700 yen (roughly $5 to $6) buys 30 minutes of private mirror time, free Wi-Fi, beauty supplies, and a nonalcoholic beverage.
I reckon this would go down a storm in London as there’s a multitude of goths, glam rock types, etc who would probably use such a place – not everyone is comfortable leaving the office loos in pvc, rubber and mesh………………
Says COS-Pa’s owner firmly: “Ladies should not have to get beautiful in a bathroom.” – and what about us guys huh? LOL
Art by Nevilk
News via Wired