Neurocam records your memories so you can’t forget them

neurocamYou have probably seen at least one of the Total Recall films. The idea of storing our most precious moments has long been a human pastime and with social networks, photo and video sharing we’re not far off. Is Neurocam the next logical step?

Google Glass, the fancy face-wear from the search engine giant aims to bring social networking and personal video editing a step further, by offering the means to record, edit, augment reality and share your point of view in real time – needless to say all that info will (might) probably go towards more targeted advertising, if you think about it cynically…

Dr. Yasue Mitsukura of Keio University, Japan, has taken the idea of Glass and devised her own ‘neurocam’.

If you take the image recording and sharing from Glass but then bolt it to something like the Neurosky Mindset brainwave sensor then you wouldn’t be that far away from the Neurocam.

The headset has a built in camera and the brainwave sensor is designed to read specific emotional triggers such as falling in love, seeing your favourite meal, the joy of your bus turning up on time and so on.

Well, when the brain pattern associated with these emotions is detected, the camera switches on and the device automagically records your most treasured emotions and, therefore, memories that you’ll treasure.

Everything we have gone through so far makes us who we are, I can’t argue with that. I also can’t argue that I can remember every milestone moment that I have experienced. I suppose this is where photo albums, home videos, and more recently Instagramming the heck out your latest meal or sharing where the location of your favourite indie coffeehouse is on Foursquare comes in.

Neurocam takes this a little be further and automates the whole thing. The users interests are quantified on a range of 0 to 100 with the camera automatically recording five-second clips of scenes when the interest value exceeds 60. This recording is timestamped and geotagged and, of course, can then be replayed later and shared socially on Facebook.

Where I am all for recording moments for posterity, I can’t help but think this will become as pointless as all of the food photos and cute cat pictures. The only good thing about this, barring it being a tool for people with memory difficulties, might be a reduction in the number of phones, cameras and tablets(!) being held up in front of me, blocking my view at gigs.

Am I wrong? Would you get one?

[youtube id=”CDgkX-JY_wM”]

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