Apple Pro Mac iPad mash-up rumoured

ipad mac iosI have a fairly constant stream of ‘tablet ambivalence’ running through this site. I do like them, I have tested a few and have usually enjoyed my time with them but, for me, they’re mostly just large phones that you can’t even make a call from. Now, the Surface Pro and such. They’re useful. I am the proud owner of a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. I get the tablet handiness as well as a keyboard and a full operating system. Could Apple be aiming for an iPad Pro?

Well, if the latest rumours hold out, there may soon be a new product category coming from Apple.

There’s a source which is claiming that Apple is planning to launch a 12-inch tablet that runs both iOS and a form of the desktop Mac OS. Prepare to get your large pinch of salt ready.

Saying that though, it has been whispered that Apple’s working on a Pro tablet a number of times before, though. To be honest, I could actually see Apple slipping in to the business-aimed tablet market and the option to dual-boot would give the fruity one an edge in the enterprise world.

iPad ProA number of my colleagues are equipped with iPads but the Pro incarnation, should it appear, would make more sense.

Now that the bendy iPhone 6 Plus has been released could the new, larger Pro iPad become the iPad 6 Plus?