Comments on: Panasonic respond to Samsung’s snooping TVs – Exclusive Low Jargon: High Tech Fri, 20 Feb 2015 07:57:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rupe Fri, 20 Feb 2015 07:57:00 +0000 I will never knowingly purchase a TV that has a microphone and/or a camera installed regardless if the manufacturer claims that the device may be disabled. Call me paranoid. Are people getting so lazy that learning to use a remote is too much work? I can understand if a person is disabled, but it seems to me that this is just one more way to allow big brother access to our homes. Not only do smart TV’s record your spoken words, but they retransmit to a third party. Newsweek inquired of a Samsung representative as to
which third party the company was sharing this information, and for what
purposes. The representative declined to comment. Read more on that at I know that some people will say that having such an app will open up so many more “smart features”, but honestly how smart do our TV’s need to be? OK, I am sure there are people with means to afford the latest and greatest in technology and who have nothing else to do with their day but sit behind a TV and show all their friends how smart they are because they have all the latest in smart electronic devices. As for me when I want to watch TV it is no added burden to use a remote to switch on the TV, manually click on the TV guide, manually select the show I want to see and manually set the volume. I do understand that in this day and age people want more, but fail to take into consideration the price or cost of “more”. I just can’t see how TV manufactures could justify recording and transmitting your personal conversations to anyone.
