The Original Microsoft Surface gets Name Change – Tablet beats Table [video]
As I was watching Microsoft’s latest hardware being unveiled I couldn’t help but wonder “what happened to the original Surface?” – remember the interactive multi-touch coffee table?
Back in the day, well a few years ago, Microsoft Surface would refer to a touchscreen-touting table.
In March 2009 the Surface was released in the UK – this one was a tad larger than the 10.6-inch tablets released hours ago.
The slimmer, next gen version of the Surface was a 40-inch HD LCD touchscreen device born of a collaboration between Microsoft and Samsung.
The Samsung SUR40 Surface was unveiled back at CES in 2011 – since the tablets have stolen its name the multi-media table will be now known as the Samsung SUR40 with Microsoft PixelSense.
Microsoft has now acknowledged this: a small note at the bottom of the Surface page reads “Looking for the Samsung SUR40 with Microsoft Pixelsense? Visit”
PixelSense was always the name of Microsoft’s optical sensor for the SUR40, but now the company has removed the Surface branding altogether, even if the product page URL for PixelSense still reads “whatissurface.aspx.” 😉
Do you remember the SUR40 Surface/ with Microsoft PixelSense?