KNGT icom MK1 – In Car Web Browsing
It’s time to outgeek those that think a GPS/DVD/CD/Mp3 player in the car is the height of in-car tech.
Check out the KNGT icom MK1 which gives you on-the-road multi-media web browsing a-go-go!
Granted, it will work better in its native home of Korea as they must have better wireless coverage than in the average British town – or even some British cities for that matter!
If we were better wi-fi equiped as a nation what could you expect from this little box of tricks?
In essence it’s a dash-based PC with 6.95-inch touchscreen, on-screen keyboard, Wi-Fi, net-based navigation, digital TV, up to 80GB of storage and 2GB of RAM, USB ports, 1.6GHz Intel CPU and a Windows XP operating system.
As for trying to watch that amusing YouTube clip whilst navigating a UK ‘B’ road probably isn’t best attempted – still it’ll be safer than the Multi-Media Scooter!!!