Dragonfly Futurefon – the dual screened tablet, phone and laptop all-in-one
Idealfuture, or IF, has taken the all-in-one idea a step further by creating a smartphone, laptop and tablet hybrid called the Dragonfly Futurefön.
The Dragonfly Futurefön is equipped dual 7-inch screens and packs a folding QWERTY keyboard.
The Dragonfly Futurefön is able to adapt to what you need at any given time as the hardware components can be separated from the keyboard when required.
The Dragonfly Futurefön project is currently over on the Indiegogo crowd funding website and its creators have this to say about it:
One Device to Unite Them All: Introducing the Dragonfly! With its unique folding and transforming architecture, the Dragonfly Futurefön capabilities extend far beyond any other single mobile device! The Dragonfly is the most flexible mobile platform, since it provides both a Windows and Android user experience out of the box. Made of high-quality aluminum uni-body construction, the Dragonfly is tough!
Equal Parts, Smartphone, Tablet, Dual-Display Ultrabook and just plain cool! Cliq Covers: This video shows the evolution of the Cliq Covers! The advanced Cliq’s are an exciting addition to the Dragonfly. They offer a unique and more intuitive way to receive and interpret vital notifications without having to even turn over your phone or even turn on the Dragonfly.”
The hybrid design doesn’t just stop at the hardware either. The Futurefön will be available in two flavours, the Android-powered version and the Win-Droid version. The latter has Android controlling the Slingshot (the smartphone bit) and Windows controlling the base unit. When both parts are docked together you will be able to choose which operating system you wish to use.
Do you like the idea of the Dragonfly Futurefön? Do you believe that it should make it to the outside world? Go and make a pledge on the Indiegogo.
Check out the video below: Enter the Dragonfly (see what they did there?).