Sony Vaio Pocket Netbook Leaked!

vaio-pocketSony Style has leaked some specs of the netbook which is said to be Sony’s big reveal at CES 2009.

Its name is Pocket!

The pic is probably just a mere placeholder but the Pocket is said to soon become the smallest notebook in Sony’s line.

It will be rocking an unspecified 1.33Ghz processor which will likely be an Atom.

More groovy is its “razor-sharp” 1600×768 pixel screen on an 8-inch LED backlit screen  (those that can do maths will conclude that the figure is almost too many pixels per square inch).

It’ll also have the option of either a 60GB HDD or, the quirky offering, a 128GB SSD module.

IS this the first notebook where the optional SSD is larger than the traditional drives?

Battery and pricing are filled in as “X’ and “NaN”, still yet to be determined.  I’m thinking “not cheap” as the price point.

Colour-ways are red, silver-painted plastic (MMmmMmmm – not!) and black.

Sony Style via Sony Insider