LEGO Makes For A Warmer Winter
I’ve been noticing that it’s starting to get dark earlier and earlier and that even I, someone who’s lived in Canada and the frozen north of England, need a jacket these days.
Yup, winter is on its way. Thoughts of keeping warm spring to mind.
Want a rather bricky radiator?
How’s about a LEGO radiator?
It’s colourful, funky and you can’t ignore the geek-factor!
As expected it’s called the Brick and it’s a real radiator designed by architect Marco Baxadonne for radiator maker Scirocco.
Interestingly the LEGO pieces are pretty efficient at spreading the heat owing to their surface area. Inside you’ll find that the plumbing inside allows you to snap them together just like LEGO.
I wonder if you can build extensions coming out of it using ‘oners’ to create an airer for towels and clothes.
Either way it looks pretty cool 🙂