Surface Mini was pulled because it was just a bit meh

microsoft surface miniSo, what was though to be Microsoft’s Surface Mini event actually turned out to the launch of an even bigger Surface – the Pro 3. Apparently Microsoft weren’t that confident in the Mini.

As the Surface Pro 3 was launched and, to be honest, with some very impressive specs most people watching the show-and-tell were probably actually wondering when the Surface Mini was going to take the stage.

Well, it never did.

According to some very trusted sources close to the matter in hand, Microsoft is said to have had the Surface Mini all ready to be launched. So where was it?

The report states that CEO Satya Nadela and Microsoft EVP of Devices & Services Stephen Elop decided that the product wasn’t unique enough to compete and so decided not to bother.

Apparently this was just another smaller tablet, and not really a game-changer in form-factor or design as we currently see with the Microsoft Surface and Surface Pro line-up.

It would have been good to see the Surface Mini and put it against its Apple and Samsung competitors but, if I am truly honest, that’s all it would have been released for. I think Microsoft made a brave and correct decision not just to put out a product because everyone else has. To me that shows some integrity, what do you say?

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