Pirate Bay Goes Anonymous With IPREDator – 100,000 Already Signed Up

piratebayThe Pirate Bay’s (TPB) new anonymity service, IPREDator, is designed to hide IP addresses from the authorities, according to the Bay’s spokesman.

Last Wednesday, the snooptastic Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED) became law in Sweden.

The main goal of IPRED is to enable copyright holders to acquire data identifying people linked to illegal file sharing which, obviously, makes users of TPB a tad nervous.

It was reported last week that internet use in Sweden dipped by a huge 30 percent when IPRED came into force on April 1 and that’s no joke!

Some 113,000 persons have signed up and are in queue for the IPREDator service, and about 80 percent of them are Swedish.

The service will operate much the same way as other anonymity services, with one important exception: The Pirate Bay says it will not log its data, making it more difficult to trace activity to a specific user.

Users will pay a fee of approximately $6 for the security of knowing that their actions will be difficult to trace.

There are already a numbers of sites online devoted to hiding user IP addresses for a monthly fee, and in the wake of the country’s new anti-file sharing measures, the demand for such anonymity services has increased across the board, according to the daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

Would you pay a premium fee to keep your IP address out of reach to snooping governments?

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