Women Get Store to Smash Tech – No Men Allowed

Now ladies – how many of you get so frustrated, angry and downright p!$$ed off that you just want to smash up a whole bunch of tech?

How about taking a baseball bat to a HD television for instance?

Don’t ruin your own room though – just head down to the shopping centre………..

Wait a sec!  I’m not giving you Gadgety Girls carte blanche to trash Dixons – you need to get yourselves to a small shop in Shenyang, China.

The store’s divided into different rooms, some set up like a living room and others like a bedroom all complete with used televisions, mobile phones and the likes.

YES – there’s a kitchen area coming soon.

This women only experience is meant to make you feel free to release some of that tension.

How many of you would love to have one of these in Blighty?

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