The BAVGA’s – The Game Winners Are….
The BAVGA’s – that’s British Academy Video Games – have now been handed out and no doubt a bunch of heartfelt and teary acceptance speaches have been made and much booze supped.
Voting is, as you’d expect, a secretive process that follows the fact that the judges have actually played the nominated titles and then have to weigh up all the factors.
These decisions, apparently, are not made over a swift half by 3 all empowered faceless pen-pushers.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare swept across with Best Gameplay and the People’s Choice awards as well as the more surprising Story and Character awards.
The most contentious point across the interweblogosphere seems to be the Best Game award which went to Super Mario Galaxy.
You have to keep in mind that it shared nominations with COD4, Fable II, Fallout 3, Rock Band as well as the expected Best Game winner:Â Grand Theft Auto IV which actually came away empty handed.
It warms my heart to see Left4Dead and Spore coming away with some hardware.
Here’s those BAFTA’s in Full:
- Best Game: – Super Mario Galaxy
- Gameplay: – Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Casual: – Boom Blox
- Sports: – Race Driver: Grid
- Story and Character: – Call of Duty 4
- Strategy: – Civilisation Revolution
- Best use of Audio: – Dead Space
- New Talent: – Boro Toro
- Multiplayer: – Left 4 Dead
- Best Technical Achievement: – Spore
- Original Score: – Dead Space
- Handheld: – Professor Layton and the Curious Village
- People’s Choice: – Call of Duty 4
- Artistic Achievement: – LittleBigPlanet
- Best Action and Adventure: – Fable II
 Do you agree?
Let me know 🙂