Art.Suono Is Where Fine Art Meets iPod Dock
You fancy a new iPod dock. You fancy a fancy new iPod dock.
You’ve probably already checked out the one designed by a French synth player, or perhaps one designed by a Stuttgart motor maker and various valve powered models.
If you’ve got $1500.00 to spend at the David Weiner Collection this Art.Suono Wireless Music System could be yours.
This is an iPod dock done up to become a fine art piece.
What do you get for the cash?
In addition to the extraordinary DWC-Wireless transmission and DWC-APHEX® sonic enhancement technologies, Art.Suono features universal inputs and iPod® docking for any iPod® or iPhoneâ„¢, an “Engine Start” power button, a “Shift” input signal switch, an input signal jack, LED indicators, and a convenient volume control designed to allow quick, yet precise volume changes and muting for those times when you need to talk on the phone. Installation is simple and quick, without the need for any tools or computer skills. All accessories and wiring are included with each Art.Suono system.
I know – you can’t wait to cash up and run away with your Art.Suono.
Just remember that $1500 tag!
For some artPod eye candy go here for a collage.
To decide if you want to buy an Art.Suono Wireless Music System go here.
Thanks to RedFerret for pointing this out 🙂