Augmented Reality Comes to RPG’s and Board Games

augmtoysThere’s gonna come a time when regular toys aren’t gonna be able to cut it along the side of lovely, new, shiny technology.

Perhaps they could still find a place in augmented reality?

Have a look at this little battle game created by Frantz Lasorne, a French designer whose Master thesis is about augmented reality toys using a head-mounted display.

It’s already up and running but I reckon the tech still needs working to be suitable and hardwearing enough to hand to little angelic offspring.

If only this was around when I was playing Warhammer 40,000 and other goodies from Games Workshop!

I can’t wait to see board games get this add-on!  🙂

Watch the video below and tell me it’s not cool!

Augmented Reality Toys (Work in progress) from Frantz Lasorne on Vimeo.