Lenovo Pocket Yoga Taunts VAIO P

lenovo-ultra-portable-touchscreenGrainy shots of Lenovo’s new ultra portable appeared on the interweb last week but now they’ve kinda made it official by slinging some pics of it up on their Flickr page.

It has also been named: The Lenovo Pocket Yoga.

The leather-clad UMPC is seen being typed upon as well as it appearing to have a touchscreen being used with a stylus in a tablet stylee.

Even cleverer is that the Pocket Yoga had a belt clip which doubles up as a mouse!

So, what to do?

Do you still fork out that £800 or so on the Sony VAIO P or wait until Lenovo announces more details – including price?

I know what I think – how about you?

Let me know below 🙂