Read the Time With Biegert & Funk’s Funky Qlocktwo

qlock_two_red_clockBiegert & Funk’s Qlocktwo is quite a different clock – the funkiness is in the fact that the time is displayed in a “typographic time format”

The clock face is made from acrylic glass and it has a wooden body and the display comes in English and other European languages as well as a multitude of colours.

The clock should keep accurate time thanks to the DCF-77 time-signal receiver which receives a long-wave radio signal from Frankfurt, Germany so no need for manual setting.

Don’t worry about changing it in Spring and Autumn either as it’ll adjust automatically for summer/winter daylight-savings time.

The LED readout has a light sensor so that the clock will also automatically adjust to ambient light but it does have a manual brightness control as well.

It can be wall mounted but does have a massive acrylic glass holder so you can have it on your desk.

So how much for these German hand made marvels?

Well, prices start at €1,099.00 and can be bought at their online store.

If that’s a bit too steep why not get a pocket-sized one? – thanks to the iPhone version (comes in English and German flavours) that can be grabbed here on iTunes for a more respectable 59p 😉

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