iPhone Gets Holographic Display – Pocket Princess Lea

Everyone of a certain age that marvelled at the 3D projected scene in the first screened Star Wars film have longed to see a mini Princess utter those immortal words, “Help me Obi-wan Knobe, You’re my only hope” in real life.

Well, if you have an iPhone it’s about to become a reality (well, kinda).

iHologram has been created for the iPod Touch and iPhone by designer David O’Reilly.

The application apparently gives the viewer the idea that the graphic is a 3D hologram jumping off the screen.

“The application works by assuming a constant viewing angle (35-45 degrees), typical for when the device is placed on a tabletop. The 3d scene’s perspective is warped using anamorphosis, the same technique used in Hans Holbein’s painting The Ambassadors. This application does the exact same but updates dynamically”, says O’Reilly.

Using the iGadget’s acceleromter, the software calculates rotation on the y-axis, so we can look around the environment around by turning the device, there are also controls for manual rotation with a slider on the left-hand side of the screen.

O’Reilly is currently looking for developers to help him further the project – frankly I NEED THIS APP!!!

Sprint to the link – Davidoreilly.com