Grab Titanfall for free from Origin

titanfallNo sooner have I downloaded the rainbow-fest that is Peggle for free and the beta of Battlefield Hardline Origin have Titanfall up for free!

In case you’re unaware, Origin is Electronic Arts’ (EA) download service and it’s now giving you the chance to play with huge robots.

Titanfall is now free to download and play over the weekend. Granted, it might take a lot of that time to download and install (depending on your rig and internet connection) but there should still be plenty of robo-falling, parkour-jumping gaming action to be had.

This is a brand new program on Origin: it’s free time with full games,

So says the Origin Game Time announcement page, failing to mention that this is quite like Steam’s Free Play Weekends – but then who’s to grumble at a free game pass?

The promotion will launch globally “over the next several hours” and is currently available from Origin’s free games page if you’re in the UK (like me) at least.

“Titanfall is only the beginning for Game Time,” states EA’s announcement. They’re promising more Game Time in the future, with different games and “different time on the Game Time clock”.

Do you think this is the right move by Origin? Will you be downloading your taster of Titanfall or have you already got it?