Comments on: SuperFly USB cable review Low Jargon: High Tech Wed, 13 Jan 2016 16:23:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lance Johnson Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:30:00 +0000 Hi, thanks for the great review. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that all of my cables are faulty, and I was considering doing a mass recall. I wont do it. But the fact that I considered it at all makes me feel good, so I’ll pat my back for being good enough to even consider it. I also like to ignore my customers and any complaints that they make. Please don’t buy my awful cables.

By: Lance Johnson Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:30:00 +0000 In reply to Jay Garrett.

I deleted the posts, because I suck at running a business. Almost as much I suck at making cables.

By: Jay Garrett Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:46:00 +0000 In reply to Carl Stuart Murray.

No problem Carl. I try to help where I can.

It could be that his business has taken off quicker than expected and that he is struggling to keep up with, and respond to, communications – but, from a business point-of-view, that’s his organisational problem and it should not negatively impact his customers.

Still, that doesn’t explain the deleted posts.

It would be a shame that, after building something that looked to be taking off, ignoring customer feedback was the cause of his business failing.

Entrepreneurs should realise that it takes more than a good product and good marketing to make a successful business. As you said, it is also how a company deals with issues that will define its future.

Good luck and, if you find a cool alternative to SuperFly cables, please let me know so I can check them out too.


By: Carl Stuart Murray Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:34:00 +0000 In reply to Jay Garrett.

Hi Jay,
Thanks for your response! I completely agree. No matter how hard a company tries, there will always be problems, and that’s fine! It is entirely on how a company deals with those problems that will define its future, and from my observations over the last few weeks I think Superfly doesn’t have a future. Browsing the instagram and facebook page, they’re frequently inundated with complaints from people who have not received their cable, and have become frustrated by lack of communication from Superfly.
I, like many others, have tried both emails, facebook wall posts, instagram picture posts, messaging the Superfly facebook and instagram page, and eventually and unfortunately, reaching out to Lances personal facebook page to make him aware of the situation.
I hope I and others also get it sorted. But I would hope that others take precaution when involving themselves with Superfly!

By: Jay Garrett Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:23:00 +0000 In reply to Carl Stuart Murray.

Hi Carl. Sorry to hear that you’ve had problems with your SuperFly cables. After reviewing the one above I purchased another. They both get used almost daily and the only problem I have had is that one of the ‘S’ sleeves from the USB end, rather than the microUSB end, has slid off and gone missing – but it still works.

I am disappointed to read that neither Lance nor his team are responding to emails and that they are deleting posts from unhappy clients. In my mind, if you have a social profile it’s more meaningful to have both positive reviews as well as paying customers giving feedback where you can improve. No one expects any business to be perfect all the time, but it is how that company deals with those hiccups that can really make the difference.

Have you tried or reach@superflycables? Those are the only two addresses I have.

Hope you can get things sorted.


By: Carl Stuart Murray Thu, 29 Oct 2015 05:59:00 +0000 DO NOT PURCHASE FROM SUPERFLY
In the last few months I have purchased one cable, had it break (faulty wiring), had it replaced, the replacement broke, purchased a new one, and it was never sent out. They WILL NOT respond to emails or facebook posts, and their facebook wall is frequently covered in customer complaints of people who never even receiving their purchase… which, every few days, Superfly deletes, and never addresses.
The cables are poorly made and break very easily, and you will get no communication from Superfly cables…. that is, if they even send it out to you.
