Comments on: Tidal to stream HiFi quality audio Low Jargon: High Tech Thu, 27 Nov 2014 17:51:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: LeoShoSilva Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:08:00 +0000 I downloaded TIDAL trial with the aim of cancelling b4 weeK is out.Having heard it on my Galaxy note 2 I’m not so sure I will cancel..gulp ..The quality is pretty impressive. .I think sounded very engaging compared to bland Spotify …qobuz didn’t have that sense of musicality that T seemed to be producing ..too early to say ..must admit the way it played music made me feel happy and contented, a sign of good communication skills.wav vs flac vs mp3 etc means nothing ..its about how good your player is at rendering the file. ..I have a cheap mp3 player that is musically better than my irIver wav player …and deezer normal sounded way better than spoty high quality.20 quid a month !!??..that’s 240 a year 2400 over 10 years ..4800.I’ll find out on pc tonight if it really rocks the moment musically it kicks deezer spoty and q into touch ..on a Linn DS !?..hmm
