Wii are Amused

According to The People the Queen loves the Wii!

Prince Bill’s girlfriend, Kate Middleton, bought him the gadget that he now has to share with his Gran.  You’d think that she could get one of her own – I wonder if Nintendo will be soon “By Appointment”.

The “paper” states:

A Palace source told The People: “When she saw William playing a game after lunch at Sandringham she thought the Nintendo looked tremendous fun and begged to join in.”
“She played a simple ten-pin bowling game and by all accounts was a natural.

Now she’s got a feel for it she may start on true action – remember she served in the forces in WWII!

So when you’re online gaming and you’re playing against a player called Queen Betty or HRH Liz be careful as they’ll probably pwn your common ass!

HRH is no stranger to other gadgets either:  In 2001 she got her first mobile phone and has regularly upgraded to one with the latest features, in 2005 she took delivery of an iPod but wont switch to the iPhone as she’s armed with a “Crackberry” and has issued BlackBerry’s to her staff.

Nice one :0)