doof – Here it is!

Now, I’m quite partial to a bit of ‘Counter Strike’ and ‘Day of Deafeat’ but would never see it as a ‘social’ experience (unless hitting your buddy with a headshot via a Desert Eagle counts).  doof on the otherhand has other ideas – they’ve decided to mix the web-crack that is social networking with online gaming to be rewarded with the aptly titled  “social gaming”.

(doof) “looks and feels more like a desktop on acid than a website” and brings to the table extensive customisation and self-branding options.

As well as having the expected features like chat, gifts, avatars and photo posting, there’s the gaming experience that is said to be more advanced than ever before. There’s a range of games from every genre that can be one player or against others, your score ratings are posted and matched world-wide.

doof founder Liad Shababo comments, “Social networking can become dull and gaming can get too intense — doof is about fun and taking the time out of the day to chill and socialise”.