The He(art) of Coffee Grinding – Heart Beans

Coffee GrinderI, like many of you out there, can’t face the day without a great deal of caffine pumping through my veins and I think this contraption is aimed at us.

The HeartBeans coffee-grinder is meant for the coffee connoisseur (note: not coffee junky – drat!) who believes making a great cup of coffee is pure (he)art.

So here is an artistic coffee-grinder that operates according to the beat of the user’s heart. 

It’s a “personal product from quality mahogany, with a built-in motor, controlled by an apparatus to measure the pace of the beating heart (HBM, Heart Beat Monitor); also included are peripheral electronics that bind it all together and allow it to work.”

It all sounds very nice until the blurb tells you that the design is so that the user gets to “hold the grinder in similar pose to holding a baby or a musical instrument, very affectionately (it) enables you to experience intimacy with the process of making coffee.”  Now, speaking as a professional musician and ex-barista, parenting and playing an instrument is slightly more involved than grinding your favourite beans and then making a double-strength amaretto latte isn’t it?

This project was developed and produced by the students (Adi navwany , Michal shamsian , Itamar paloge and Danielle ram) of “Food for Thought” course at the Bezalel academy for arts and crafts – and probably unlikey to be seen at a Pret, Coffee Republic, Costa or Starbucks in the future.

Born Rich