Crimbo top 10

London is already a shopping hell as I discovered last night as I had to brave Oxford Street to get my Dad his birthday presents; which reminded me that Christmas is not too far away.

Energizer have published their top 10 tech prezzis.  The list looks like this:

The Energizer Top 10 – Overall

1 Hi-Definition TV/Plasma
2 Nintendo Wii
3 Laptop Mac/PC
4 Satellite navigation system
5 Digital camera
6 Nintendo DS Lite
7 Sony PS3
8 iPod/MP3
9 Mobile phone
10 Digital radio

and the break down for boys and girls:

Top ten gadgets – Women
1. Nintendo Wii
2. HD TV
3. Laptop
4. Digital Camera
5. Nintendo DS Lite
6. i-Pod / MP3 Player
7. Sat Nav
8. Mobile Phone
9. Sony PS3
10. Digital Radio

Top ten gadgets – Men
1. HD TV
2. Sat Nav
3. Laptop
4. Nintendo Wii
5. Sony PS3
6. Digital Camera
7. Digital Radio
8. X-Box 360
9. Mobile Phone
10. i-Pod/MP3