Bring 3 Dimensions and Post-Its to Your Windows Desktop – BumpTop
I spotted a cool article on VBeat about the BumpTop which I read then went and downloaded the free version.
BumpTop is a groovy Windows overlay that adds a third dimension to the flat Windows desktop and moves all the rubbish you don’t really use – widgets and the like – to a set of 3D walls and stacks up files and folders – a lot like OS X stacks.
My desktop is one of the few places that I keep organised but I’m digging the post-it note reminders and the layout of having a cubicle style desktop – I’m a sucker for funkiness 🙂
The picture-frames grab pics for ‘My Pictures’ and Flickr files via RSS feed or keyword – and these pics seem to change with every action so you never get bored.
BumpTop can get by with a 1.4-gigahertz processor, a gigahertz of main memory, and an integrated graphics card.
Those components aren’t necessarily all that demanding. But if you have lots of items on your desktop, it will slow down and choke on the processing task.
It’s better to use a machine with a dedicated 3-D graphics processor.
I’m playing with the The light free version of the app but am considering the more powerful version that only costs $29.
Check out the vid below and download the BumpTop 🙂