Flowd – Bringing Bands and Fans Together 1 Smartphone at a Time
I thought I’d share a brand new way for artists and fans to interact.
Finnish company Digia has officially launched its Flow*d smartphone app which is a free download for Android, iOS and Nokia blowers.
The location-based app plans to get fans talking with musicians as well as keeping up to date with the latest news, tours and anything else their fave band wants to share with them.
Both artist and fans are able to check-in to places (just like Foursquare and Facebook Places) and Flow*d can sync Twitter and Facebook accounts. The great news on the latter is that it will sync to the band’s Facebook Page and not just a personal account! All this means that you can share your updates across 3 platforms at once. The Flo Tab shows your friends status updates in that familiar form.
As an artist you’re able to set splash images and text as well as a custom background for all the phone platforms. These require different sizes but it is really easy to set-up.
One feature set to be added in the future will be the ability for artists to pinpoint their most active fans and reward their loyalty with exclusive merchandise and content.
The apps all went live yesterday so get on-board!
Any artist can sign up to Flow*d and the Flow*d team are really helpful.
The Flow*d app is available to download for free for the iPhone, Android and Nokia smartphones.
Check out SUBSET on Flow*d here 😉
Could this be another nail in the myspace coffin? What do you think?