Happy Birthday to Jay Garrett’s Gadget News / Jay G’s Gadgets!
Happy birthday to this gadget blog. Happy birthday to this tech blog. Happy birthday dear Jay’s Gadget News. Happy birthday to yooooooooooooooooou!
Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog!
Well, what started off as a test to see if there was room for another gadget and tech blog site a year ago has slowly gained enough of you lovely readers for me to carry on writing about things that have caught my eye and that you (hopefully) find interesting.
My first posts (ie not ones dragged over from my temporary test site) were posted this very day 12 months ago – I know, how Goth to choose Samhain/Halloween to start a blog 😉
I would like to take this moment and space to thank all of you for coming here and making this place feel loved – whether you were here from the very start or have only just found this place.
If there are anythings that you would rather see more/less of now is your chance.
Either email me or just leave a comment here and I’ll do my best to please – the new look was prompted by a comment and lo, it was done. I do listen.
So, thanks once more and here’s hopefully to another year of gadget grooviness and tech tremendousness 🙂
Much gadgety love