Wilson X Connected Basketball gamifies training
Wilson Sporting Goods Co. has announced the launch of its Wilson X Connected Basketball.
For those that enjoy basketball and want to improve their game, this might be just the thing.
The Wilson X Connected Basketball is a smart basketball that hooks up to an app via Bluetooth.
There’s a little sensor in the ball and then the connected app does the rest. There’s no other attachments needed.
Through the Company’s proprietary Make/Miss Technology, the ball knows when you hit or miss a shot. It tracks every shot you make so you can map your shooting performance over time.
The X Connected app includes four action-packed game modes and shooting drills.
These dish out your shooting percentage, distance from the hoop and where on the court you’re hot, and not.
This is all fed in real time.
The Wilson X is a basketball shooter’s experience; it is not designed to track short shots inside seven feet from the hoop.
When you shoot you get full crowd noise and sports commentator observations bringing each game to life.
Your stats include shots taken, shots made, two-pointers, three-pointers, and free throws. You can then share them with friends, via social media.
When you hit milestones and celebrate shooting streaks, you unlock special badges.
The ball has been designed for use on any indoor and outdoor surface with a 10 foot regulation hoop and net. It never needs charging, as the sensor has been designed to track every shot up to approximately 100,000 shots (this equates to approximately 300 shots a day, seven days a week for 52 weeks).
To bring the Wilson X Connected Basketball to market, Wilson partnered with SportIQ, a sports technology and analytics company.
Wilson X Connected Basketball price and availability
The Wilson X Connected Basketball is now available for purchase from Pro Direct Basketball and Basketball Store at £160/€199.
The ball is offered in both Official (29.5 inches) and Intermediate (28.9 inches) sizes.
The Wilson X Connected Basketball companion app is free and is available for download from the Apple Store and via Google Play.