Vote GadgetyNews in the #UKBA18
Well, it has happened once again. GadgetyNews has been nominated for the prestigious UK Blog Awards (UKBA18).
This low jargon, high tech corner of the interwebs has been put forward a few times now. Whilst I really do appreciate being nominated it would be nice to actually win something this year.
The only way I can do that is by you taking a few moments to Vote for GadgetyNews.
All you need to do is sling in your name, email address, and select Digital and Technology from the drop down – job done.
Why vote for GadgetyNews in the UKBA18?
I am sure that there are plenty of you asking yourself this very question. I think that is fair enough.
My first response to this is that it was one (or more) of you that actually put this site up for the award. This was an extremely pleasant surprise and I am really touched by this. Thank you.
Also, GadgetyNews turned 10 this year, and winning an award at the UK Blog Awards would definitely be the cherry on the birthday cake 🙂
Furthermore, GadgetyNews is one of 22 sites that have got through the nomination rounds. That’s some serious competition so every vote will count.
Finally, getting through the next stages might bring GadgetyNews to the attention of other brands that you want to see here. Again, this can only be achieved with your help.
Over to you
Please scurry over to the UK Blog Awards site and vote for GadgetyNews. I will keep you updated on how things are going.
Thanks again.