QR Code P8TCH – Wearable Web Link

This patch is no ordinary patch.

It is a patch for the more, can I say, Geeky of us 🙂

The makers bill it as something akin to ‘a TinyURL you can wear’, allowing people to scan the QRCode using a phone and be pointed to any web page you define – I think that is truly fab!

I am considering some for this site as well as possibly putting one in the release pack of one of my bands new album………..

This is the tech bit:

The QRCode is permanently set to a Swiss URL – p8t.ch/somekindofuniqueidentifier.

You have control over this URL, and can change it to redirect to a site of your choice as often as you like.

So, people can use a QRcode reader (available for the iPhone, Nokia N series phones and the like), scan it and be sent to anything you choose – your blog, your YouTube channel, you get the idea.

$20 From P8TCH


via ShinyShiny