Comments on: Did You Do It? 3G iPhone Feedback Low Jargon: High Tech Wed, 02 Mar 2016 21:57:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jay Garrett Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:53:40 +0000 In reply to cool15.

Hey Cool15!

The only thing I can think of is that it’d probably a ‘Jail Broken’ iPhone (software has been used to release it from a single Mobile Operator) – There is 3.0 cracking software available ( so if you update your iPhone to take advantage of the latest tweaks it may be useful to check that software out.

I hope that this helps 🙂


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By: cool15 Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:14:10 +0000 ahhh also: I love my iphone. I love the fact that I can synchronise it with Outlook and since I bought it I have all my appointments and telephone numbers up to date and in my pocket. Also, I use the internet / email all the time and it fits the bill for my needs. I do find the camera to be rather weak but otherwise I love it.

By: cool15 Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:11:08 +0000 I purchased an Iphone 3G in Hong Kong about 6 months ago and am running it with a provider (not t-mobile) in Germany. It has version 2.2 on it. The seller told me I should not update the already installed version. So now we have version 3.0 out and I really would like to update to the new version…..

What will happen if I update to 3.0?
Why did the seller tell me not to udpate the existing version. (I bought it through a connection so I did not have the opportunity to speak with the seller directly 😉 )


By: Jay Garrett Tue, 14 Jul 2009 07:57:44 +0000 Really? What’s the problem with it John?

I’ve still got my 3G but will be updating to the 3GS (or whatever the newest version will be by then) in December/January when my current contract expires as it’s the best phone I’ve owned. I’ve owned plenty in my time including N Series Nokias which I though were unbeatable and Walkman branded Sony Ericssons, Motorolas and the odd Seimens blower.

I know some folk don’t like the touchscreen keyboard but stick with it – you’ll get used to it and it’s even easier now you get the landscape typing mode.

Let me know what the trouble is and thanks for your opinion 🙂


By: john Tue, 14 Jul 2009 00:13:16 +0000 I just have bought a Iphone and it garbage

By: PissedoffAppleFan Sat, 14 Feb 2009 07:13:17 +0000 t matter anymore.]]> I believe Apple is going too far in how they are trying to control the sale of the iPhone. To keep a long story short, I switched from my existing provider in Singapore to Singtel in January 2009, lost the iphone(16 GB) two weeks later and Singtel offers me a replacement for US$1000 bucks and I tell them they are insane and practicing predatory pricing. Shame on Apple to allow this.

You can buy an unlocked iPhone in Hong Kong for US$800 from an Apple shop. Optus in Australia sells it with a pre-paid line for US$600 + US$80 prepaid card top up.

Today I was reading about Apples International Warranty on the iPhone and guess what I see

. Can I get my iPhone serviced outside the country of purchase?
No, service for eligible repairs is only available in the country where your iPhone was purchased.

I cannot remember the last time I bought a laptop or phone that did not have a truly international warranty where it can be repaired anywhere. Apple really SHAME on you for setting the telecommunications industry back so many years. What has a product warranty got to do with the carrier.

I have a operational line with Singtel, I bought the iPhone in another country but it is unlocked by the carrier also according to policy, now I suspect if anything goes wrong Apple and Singtel will try to screw me over again. By the way am not an Apple Basher, I have gone through two iMacs, this is written on a Macbook Pro and I “used to be” to be telling everyone I know that they should buy an iPhone. After what I have discovered over the last 4 weeks, I tell my friend to run for their lifes and not to touch an iPhone with a ten foot pole unless Apple changes it policies. I guess the two iPods I was planning to buy for my kids will have to wait, just on a matter of principle.

I have been loyal to the Apple Brand for over 20 years and it looks like Apple is starting to repeat its mistakes of the past and getting way to arrogant in how it treats its customers. By the way e-mails to Apple received no acknowledgement, so I guess my a customers opinion doesn’t matter anymore.

By: Jay Garrett Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:32:30 +0000 I understand where you’re coming from Albert but the 2.1 update has fixed the following:

Reception: When at my desk I generally got 2-3 bars of 3G reception – now it’s a full signal.

Battery Life: Improved, from what I can tell about 10-20%

Reduced Backup Time: I can detect a swifter back up when hooked up to iTunes.

Text messaging: There is now no keyboard lag.

As for MMS messaging – check out Flutter – this allows you to send MMS, but still not receieve them :0/

Not being able to forward texts is a pain and the lack of copy and paste doesn’t help.

My iPhone did lock up once but came back after being restarted – I’ve not had to reset it at all.

As for deleting all the contents – it’s all backed up via iTunes – I have updated to the new version each time (I bought it a week after the release).

I still love the iPhone and now 2.1 has solved most of the beta-esque problems will recommend it to people that don’t mind the average/below average camera and the lack of video.

Personally I have a 10.1 mp still camera that shoots HD so I’ve got that covered :0P

For browsing, updating blogs (like now), etc I find the iPhone better and easier to use than my old N95.

Just a shame about the camera.


By: Albert Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:17:56 +0000 “” IPHONE!!!!!
full ov shit. got impressed by looking at friends one. Than decided to buy one even though he forbidden me not to do so. If listened to him I wouldn’t have write here about my experiences. Now lets go through it..
at the first week of my IPHONE when I connected the iphone with the computer it showed a msg saying there is an update available, if i wanna go for it. I been told that updates are always good. But with the iphone?…without any alart, it deleted all my data, picturs, msgs, important documents, contacts everything..everything! How dare it is!!!!!

* you can’t save any text msg with the iphone. All you can do is keep it like continus conversation. You can’t even forward, save or seperate any specific text msg

* The BEST (!) thing about it is still you cant send mms whereas most of the camera phone has got that funcion nowadays…so shame on APPLE!!

* Its very poor functioned compare to the windows mobile devices

* People just get wondered when they notice that you can’t capture videos with this shitty phone!

* By having this phone you will face so many unknown problems that you only can restore the device to resolve them. And on that cases you know by now that whats gonna happen.

* this are only few of them major problems with that so called amaging phone. You have be the practical to experience on your own. Just get it with so much of pride and after few days waist your time by writting so many deferent bad experiences with your OWN IPHONE!!!!!!””””
