Ammo to Design GPhone – Android Ammunition

It went all quiet for a while in the Google Phone camp.

But that could all change thanks to a report in TechCrunch.

They seem to think, and they do know their stuff, that an Android phone made by Google may actually become a reality based on two new bits of information: 

    1. A quote in The Hollywood Reporter from a press conference with Larry Page, Sergei Brin and CEO Eric Schmidt. This report has been stamped as inaccurate since by Silicon Alley Insider and they note that none of the other major news orgs there picked it up. The reporter also noted that “The trio of Google execs also used the opportunity to talk about the inroads the company is making with its own branded mobile phone as a replacement for the iPhone.” [That appears to be a mixup by the reporter, with Sergey and Larry actually talking about not producing their own phone, according to Reuters’s Ken Li’s notes in SAI. 
    2. A source close to TechCrunch “swears” that the Ammunintion Design Group “is designing the Gphone and that it is a seriously beautiful device.” They’ve worked with companies like Palm, Hewlett-Packard, Dell Computer, and Logitech in the past (the phone pictured is one that they designed for Sprint). Not exactly a confirmation but TechCrunch usually have pretty reliable sources.

Do you think that a Gphone is on the horizon?

This is all that I can find so far – if you know anymore about this please drop me a line.