Comments on: Asus ARES CG6150 Gets Official – Release Date To Follow Low Jargon: High Tech Tue, 12 Jan 2016 16:38:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Manuel Vega Mon, 24 Nov 2008 01:53:46 +0000 Just ran into this blog..Great Stuff Jay
Asus is not playing around , I like them very very notch quality like sager..but I noted AW just implemented that Intel I core7. If they can play my game fast and fluid not just to compare benchmarks..then I am happy. I think that Ares will be great I look at HD like a bottle neck.I wonder if the Solid states would be better ave to go.whether lap or DT.If I need extra I would keep important stuff externally anyway..plenty of cheap storage avalalble..I am curious when AW actually designed the m15x and gave to quanta to make. It came as like a Big surprise to everyone in October or Novemeber.
Hope some one knows
Keep up the great work!
